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ID : 1630

Making the Defined Interference Check Areas Active or Inactive

The number of interference check areas that can be defined by the area function is 32 and they are defined by AREA0 to AREA31.
Out of those defined areas, areas to be actually used may be selected according to the procedure given below.
Only the necessary areas should be made active.
The options of surveillance cycles are 2ms,4ms,8ms,16ms,32ms.
For the operating procedures, refer to "How to Display and Set Areas" of TEACH PENDANT OPERATION GUIDE.

Number of the enable area

In Version.1.8.* or later, the way of surveillance has been changed. As a result, the restriction of "Number of the active area" according to the "Surveillance cycle" (see the table below) has been removed.
If you want to check the interference area with the former surveillance mode, on the [VRC setting] window, press [36: Area check mode] - [0: Divide].
For the operating procedures, refer to "VRC Setting" of TEACH PENDANT OPERATION GUIDE.
If the former surveillance mode is selected, the number of active area differs depending on the selected surveillance cycle, as shown below. If the specified area exceeds the available range, an error "0x832012FAL:Enable area count is upper limit" appears.

Surveillance cycles Number of the active area
2ms 2
4ms 4
8ms 8
16ms 16
32ms 32

ID : 1630

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