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ID : 1705

Teach Check Mode

Teach check mode allows to operate automatic robot run with speed control, and checks if there are any mistakes in the program after teaching by using teach pendant or mini-pendant. The restrictions are described in the following.

  • The maximum speed in teach check mode is regulated at 10% or less of the maximum speed set for the automatic mode.
The maximum speed of the robot in manual operation or teach check is regulated at 250 mm/s or less in flange (mechanical interface) and TCP points.
  • Keep pressing both deadman switch and [OK] for program execution; otherwise, robot does not move.

Teach check includes two types of checks: single-cycle check and feed check.
The selected program is executed only once from the current execution line to the end in the single-cycle check. The selected program is executed for only one step from the current execution line in the feed check.

Robot moves automatically by executing this operation. Operator must be out of the motion space of robot before starting the operation.
Multiple programs cannot be executed simultaneously in teach check mode. Therefore, all motion commands for specifying the simultaneous execution of another program will be ignored.

When this operation is necessary

This operation is performed when you want to safely check or modify points and trajectories specified by teaching while performing automatic robot run besides the robot using the program.


ID : 1705

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