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ID : 2886



Calibration measures the exact positional relationship between the turntable, vision sensor, and robot.
The calibration result is stored as the parameter shown below and used at the tracking motion.

Each turntable needs to be calibrated respectively.

Parameters Related to the Positional Relation between Robot and Turntable

Parameter name Description
Conveyor CALDATA(X, Y)

Rotating angle around the Z axis of the base coordinate that shows the direction of rotary axis of the turntable [rad]

Conveyor CALDATA(Z)

Inclination seen from the XY plane of the base coordinate that shows the direction of rotary axis of the turntable [rad]

Conveyor Feed Rate Amount of turntable movement per one rotation of encoder [deg/rev]
Encoder Rotation Direction Rotational direction of encoder when the turntable is moved from upstream to the downstream (1: Normal, -1: Reverse)

Parameters Related to the Positional Relation between Robot and Vision Sensor

Camera parameter, Coordinate of Zero point and default posture of holding the work are stored.

Parameter name Description
CALDATA(00) Nx for the Homogeneous Translation Type
CALDATA(01) Ox for the Homogeneous Translation Type
CALDATA(02) Ax for the Homogeneous Translation Type
CALDATA(03) Vision sensor detection position X [mm]
CALDATA(10) Ny for the Homogeneous Translation Type
CALDATA(11) Oy for the Homogeneous Translation Type
CALDATA(12) Ay for the Homogeneous Translation Type
CALDATA(13) Vision sensor detection position Y [mm]
CALDATA(20) Nz for the Homogeneous Translation Type
CALDATA(21) Oz for the Homogeneous Translation Type
CALDATA(22) Az for the Homogeneous Translation Type
CALDATA(23) Vision sensor detection position Z [mm]

Parameter name Description
X Coordinate of Zero point X on the image coordinate [pixel]
Y Coordinate of Zero point Y on the image coordinate [pixel]

Parameter name Description
Conveyor Reference Coordinate Rx RX of default posture of holding the work [deg]
Conveyor Reference Coordinate Ry RY of default posture of holding the work [deg]
Conveyor Reference Coordinate Rz RZ of default posture of holding the work [deg]

Parameters Related to the Tracking Range

Parameter name Description
Upstream limit of the Tracking range Once a workpiece passes this limit, a robot starts the catch-up motion. [mm]
Downstream limit of the Tracking range Once a workpiece reaches this limit, robot stops the catch-up motion and starts deceleration. [mm]

Parameter name Description
Conveyor Reference Coordinate X Midpoint X between the calibration point on upstream limit and the calibration point on downstream limit [mm]
Conveyor Reference Coordinate Y Midpoint Y between the calibration point on upstream limit and the calibration point on downstream limit [mm]
Conveyor Reference Coordinate Z Midpoint Z between the calibration point on upstream limit and the calibration point on downstream limit [mm]

ID : 2886

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