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ID : 5086

Setting the Path Configuration Parameters

In this setting, path parameters, which are provided for motion definitions (including speed, acceleration, and range of motion) of extended-joints are configured.
The below shows how to configure these parameters with the teach pendant.

Displaying [Joint Settings] Window

Access: Top Screen — [F2 Arm] — [F12 Maintenance] — [F10 Joint Settings]

[Joint Settings] window is displayed.

Setting Method for "Path Parameter for Joint"


Press [Joint Settings] - [F4 Path Parameter] to display the window shown below.


Select the tab to be configured.
The following examples are the displays when the 7th axis is selected.


Change each setting of the "Path parameter for joint", then press [OK].
For details about each parameter, refer to "List of Path Configuration Parameters".


When all settings of the "Path parameter for joint" are completed, press [OK] button.

Changed parameter settings are saved, then return to the "Joint Settings" window.

New settings will go into effect when the controller is turned off and then on after the settings are changed.

List of Path Configuration Parameters

Parameter name Entry range Factory default Unit Description Remarks
Boundless rotation (Finete, Infinite) "Finete" or "Infinite" Finete To rotate the motor 32768 times or more in the same direction, set this parameter to 1: Infinite. Setting this parameter to "1: Infinite" requires the Motion limit detection parameter to be set to "0: Disabled".
Joint structure (Linear, Rotate) "Linear" or "Rotate" Linear If your optional mechanism to be connected to the specified motor has a sliding joint, then set 0: Linear; if a rotary joint, set 1:Rotate.
Motor rotation direction (CCW, CW) "CCW" or "CW" CCW To convert the CCW rotation of the specified motor (when viewed from the load side) to the positive direction movement of the connected mechanism, set 0:CCW ; to convert it to the negative one, set 1:CW.
Maximum motor ratation speed [rpm] 1 to 6000 3000 rpm Set the maximum speed of the specified motor.
Maxinmum motor rotation acceleration time [ms] 1 to 100000000 200 ms Set the motor acceleration time required for the specified motor to reach the maximum speed.
Gear ratio, Lead 0.00001 to 21474.83647 50.00000 For rotary joints, set the deceleration ratio (motor rotation/joint rotation). For sliding joints, set the lead (movement) per motor rotation.
Motion limit detection "Disabled" or "Enabled" Enabled To make the controller check the motion limit and issue an error if the specified joint is out of the range, set 1: Enabled. Setting the Boundless rotation parameter to "1: Infinite" requires this parameter to be set to "0: Disabled".
Positive software motion limit [mm], [deg] -1000000 to 1000000 500

For rotary joints : deg

For sliding joints : mm

Set the positive motion limit.
Negative software motion limit [mm], [deg] -1000000 to 1000000 0.000

For rotary joints : deg

For sliding joints : mm

Set the negative motion limit.
RANG [mm], [deg] -21474.83648 to 21474.83648 0.00000

For rotary joints : deg

For sliding joints : mm

Set the RANG value.
Rotation radius [mm] 0 to 100000 1000 mm

For rotary joints, set the maximum radius of rotation.
For sliding joints, no setting is required.

For details, see "Setting the radius of gyration".
AutoPositionClear "Disabled" or "Enabled" Enabled

Set whether to execute POSCLR automatically.
If the axis rotates 360degrees or more, the value is modified to the value of less than 360degrees and displayed.
If the degree is +360 or more, positive (+) value is displayed.
If the degree is -360 or less, negative (-) value is displayed.
To activate this setting, set the Boundless rotation to "Infinite", and the Joint structure to "Rotate".


Note1 :When [AutoPositionClear] is set to [Enabled], if the angle of the current position is the multiple of +360 degrees, Posclr will reset the axis to 0 degrees. However, it may set to +360 degrees due to the internal calculation error.
Also, the multiple of -360 degrees may set to -360 degrees.
Therefore, the motion command that has been written in immediately after Posclr may perform unexpected behavior.

Note2 :AutoPositionClear is not effective against an axis that is set for conveyor.

ID : 5086

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