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ID : 2674



Check whether the target position of the robot task motion is within the robot motion range.

This command is available in Ver.2.11.* or higher.


TrackMotionRange (Conveyor number, Target position [, Tool coordinate [, Work coordinate] ])

Guaranteed Entry

Conveyor number

Specify the conveyor number that a workpiece to be performed the target position check exists. Specify by integer type data.

Target position

Specify the target position to designate by TrackMove command. Select from position typehomogeneous translation type and joint type data.

Tool coordinate

Specify the elements (X, Y, Z, Rx, Ry, Rz) of Tool coordinate with position type data, or specify a Tool coordinate number (-1 to 63) with integer type data. If you specify with position type data, Fig is ignored. "-1" represents the currently used tool number. 0 to 63 represents the tool coordinate number. This entry is omittable. This should be "-1" (current tool number) if this is omitted. 

Work coordinate

Specify the elements (X, Y, Z, Rx, Ry, Rz) of Work coordinate with position type data, or specify a Work coordinate number (-1 to 7) with integer type data. If you specify with position type data, Fig is ignored. "-1" represents the currently used work number. 0 to 7 represents the work coordinate number. This entry is omittable. This should be "-1" (current work number) if this is omitted.

Return Value

Return whether the target position of the robot task motion is within the robot motion range by integer type data.

Return value Description
0 The target position of the robot task motion is out of the robot motion range.
Other than 0 The target position of the robot task motion is within the robot motion range.


When starting the tracking motion, if the target position of the robot task motion is out of the robot motion range, an error will occur. TrackCurMotionRange command can check whether the target position of the robot task motion is within the robot motion range.

When combining with Wait command, it can wait until the robot is ready for operation, and then perform the tracking motion.


This command is dedicated for conveyor and circular tracking.


  ' Specify the tracking-target work
  P10 = TrackTargetPos(1)
  ' Wait until the target position of the robot task motion is within the robot motion range
  Wait TrackCurMotionRange(1, P10)
  TrackStart 1
  TrackMove P, P10

ID : 2674

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