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ID : 5493



Set the value for the "Minimum Interval Length of Work Detection", which is a parameter for the conveyor or circular tracking.

This command is available in Ver.1.6.* or higher.


TrackTargetOffset Conveyor number, Offset distance of the steady-state deviation

Guaranteed Entry

Conveyor number

Specify the conveyor number (1-16) to be used by Integer type data.
(If your robot controller is Ver.1.11.* or lower, available conveyor number is 1 or 2.)

Offset distance of the steady-state deviation

Specify by double precision real number type data.The unit is [mm] for conveyor tracking and [deg] for circular tracking (Ver.2.3.* or higher).


Set the value for the "Minimum Interval Length of Work Detection", which is a parameter for the conveyor or circular tracking.
This is used when the robot always follows workpieces with a specified distance away from them.
Specify by plus value [mm] if the robot cannot pick workpieces.
Specify by minus value [mm] if the robot passes workpieces.

Related Terms

TrackApproach, TrackDepart, TrackMove, TrackTargetPos, Commands for Conveyor Tracking, Commands for Circular Tracking, Parameter Setting Screen (Sensor Tracking(Conveyor, Circular), Vision Tracking(Conveyor, Circular))


This command is dedicated for conveyor and circular tracking.


TrackTargetOffSet 1, 10

In this example, the target is offset downstream by 10mm.

ID : 5493

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