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ID : 1180

Procedures for Adjusting Force Sensor Robust Compliance Control

To configure Force Sensor Robust Compliance Control, change the value of the parameter "stiffness level of the contact object".

  • The parameter “stiffness level of the contact object” can be changed with the teach pendant and WINCAPSIII. However, using both of the methods may confuse you and cause a risk of improper configuration. To prevent this, we recommend you to use only either of the methods.
  • Parameters other than “stiffness level of the contact object” can be changed with both the teach pendant and commands. However, using both of the methods may confuse you and cause a risk of improper configuration. To prevent this, we recommend you to use only either of the methods.
  • If a direction you intend to control and a direction specified by a robot motion command (such as Move command) as a robot motion direction are the same, the force control cannot be performed as you have specified by the control force, control rate and virtual damper. In this case, move a robot to the position where the control starts, and then skip the robot motion command with MotionSkip command.

How to Adjust the Parameter

Adjust “stiffness level of the contact object” using the actual robot so that your desired amplitude and convergence time can be achieved.
Execute an actual operation and adjust the parameter to achieve your desired vibration and convergence time.

In adjusting the parameter, make sure that the following two conditions shown in the table below are satisfied.

You can check the amplitude and convergence time using force control logs.

Number Check points
(1) The amplitude converges within the positive and negative allowable ranges of the target value that you have planned.
(2) The vibration properly converges within the planned duration.

For details of force control logs, refer to “Acquiring, Displaying and Saving Force Control Log”.

Correlation between stiffness level of the contact object, amplitude, and convergence time

If you change "stiffness level of the contact object", the responsiveness to "control force" will change as indicated in the table below.

Stiffness level of the contact object Convergence time
Increase Long Small
Decrease Short Large

Precautions for adjustment

If the specified "stiffness level of the contact object" causes vibration, this means that the force control is failing.
Do not set "stiffness level of the contact object" to the level that causes vibration or lower.

Lowering "stiffness level of the contact object" excessively may cause the robot to be unstable and vibrate.

ID : 1180

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