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ID : 3392



To move the actuator to the target position by entering a numerical value.


IAI*.MovePTP target position, positioning band, speed, acceleration/deceleration, current Limit, control flag

Guaranteed Entry

Target position
Specify a target position by integer type data. The unit is "0.01mm".
Positioning band
Specify the positioning band with integer type data. The unit is "0.01mm".
Specify the traveling speed by integer type data. The unit is "0.01mm/s".
Specify the acceleration/deceleration with integer type data. The unit is "0.01G".
Current Limit
Specify the push-current limit value with integer type data. The unit is "%".
Control flag
Specify the control flag with integer type data. For normal operation, enter 0. For Relative Movement Mode(incremental motion), enter 8.


To move the actuator to the target position by entering a numerical value. This function is available in Ver.2.7.* or higher.

For an asterisk written after IAI, enter an ID of the control target PCON.




'!TITLE "IAI Sample MovePTP"

Sub Main
  ' Move 5.00mm
  IAI1.MovePTP 500, 10, 1000, 30, 0, 8 ' Target position 500x0.01mm
  Delay 1000
  ' Move -5.00mm
  IAI1.MovePTP -500, 10, 1000, 30, 0, 8 ' Target position -500x0.01mm
  Delay 1000
End Sub

ID : 3392

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