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ID : 3627



To return the center of detection area by position type data.

This command is available in Ver.2.5.* or higher.


AreaPos(detection area number)

Guaranteed Entry

Detection area number
Designate a detection area number (0-31) by integer type data.

Return Value

Return the center point of detection area by position type data.


The center of detection area used in the area function is returned by position type data.


FIG element of the return value is "-1."


'!TITLE "Acquiring Center Position of Interference Check Area 
and Direction of Cuboid by Position Type" ' Assign the center position of the interference check area
and direction of cuboid in the areanumber 1 to aaa Sub Sample_AreaPos Dim aaa As Position ' Assign the center position of the interference check area and direction of cuboid to aaa aaa = AreaPos( 1 ) ' Display acquired information on the message output window PrintDbg aaa End Sub

ID : 3627

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