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ID : 3631



To reset a designated detection area.

This command is available in Ver.2.5.* or higher.


ResetArea area number

Guaranteed Entry

Area number
Designate an area number from 0 to 31 by Integer Type data.


A detection area of the designated area number is reset.


Detection area I/O signal is not turned Off when this command is executed.


'!TITLE "Disabling Detection Area"
' Disable detection of the area number 2
Sub Sample_ResetArea

  Dim aaa As Position
  Dim bbb As Vector

  aaa = P( 10, 10, 5, 0, 9, 0, 1 )
  bbb = V( 50, 10, 50 )

  ' Define an area specified by aaa, bbb in the area number 2
  Area  2, aaa, bbb, 24, 1

  ' Enable area check of the area number 2
  SetArea 2

  ' Disable area check of the area number 2
  ResetArea 2

End Sub

ID : 3631

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