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ID : 1746

Setting Area Coordinates by Easy Teaching

Operation path : [F2 Arm] - [F6 Aux] - [F5 Area] - [F4 Easy Edit]

Teach robot 2 points to register in the position coordinates (P type variable). Then, set the area coordinates using data of the registered position coordinates and one of the work coordinates data.
Press [F4 Easy Edit] to display the following [Area coordinate setup by teaching 2 points] window.

When work coordinates and P type variables are registered, the coordinate values of "estimated area coordinates" will be automatically calculated. Confirm the values of "estimated area coordinates" when all work coordinates and P type variables are registered. Then, press [OK] to reflect the resulting coordinate in the area coordinate number "0".

Available function keys
[F1 Prev] Display the previous page of the currently displayed area coordinate setup by teaching 2 points list.
[F2 Next] Display the next page of the currently displayed area coordinate setup by teaching 2 points list.
[F3 Jump To]

Display numeric keypad.

Enter the registered point number to select with numeric keypad, and press [OK] to select the registered point of the specified number.
The selected registered points will be highlighted.

[F5 Edit]

Display numeric keypad.

Enter the work coordinates number or P type variable number to register, and press [OK] on the numeric keypad to register the work coordinates or coordinates of the registered P type variable.

[F6 Get Position]

Load a current position into a position coordinate (P type variable).
Choose desired number and position coordinate(P type variable) and then press [OK] to load the current position.


[F6 Position acquisition] button is displayed only when [Area min point] or [Area max point] is chosen.


ID : 1746

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