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ID : 1797

Initial Setting Screen

Route : Basic screen - [F9 hand] - [F12 Aux] - [F1 Initial settings]
Initialize the electric gripper.
For details, refer to "Electric Gripper Parameter ".


Press [F1 Initial settings] to display the following [Hand initializing settings] screen




Number [ ]

Display the hand number (0-7) of the currently selected electric gripper.
To select the hand number, press [F1 Hand No].

Init Point Data Initialize the point data of the electric gripper.
  Start point

Specify the initial number of the point data which is to be initialized.

Point count

Number of point data which are to be initialized.
Click this box to display the numerical input screen.

Initialize Initialize the point data set to the start point and point count.
Init Parameter

To read out the parameter initial value appropriate to the electric gripper type to be used, select the actuator type then press [Initialize].
Make sure to execute this step whenever the electric gripper is newly mounted or replaced.

  Actuator Type

Set an actuator type.
To select the actuator type, use jog dial.
Make sure to press [Initialize] after selecting the actuator type, otherwise the setting is not complete.


Initialize all the parameter of selected actuator type.

Refer Machine

Clear the referenced machine information(Encoder information of the electric gripper).

Be sure to execute the machine reference clear whenever the Original position is changed or an electric gripper is newly mounted or replaced.

  Clear Clear the referenced machine information of the electric gripper specified by the hand number.
Version Display the version information of the electric gripper control board.

Available function key

Available function key

[F1 Hand No.] Specify the number of the electric gripper to be initialized.
To specify the hand number, input the number by the numerical keypad and press [OK].


ID : 1797

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