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ID : 1799

Hand Main Screen

Route : Basic screen - [F9 Hand]
Display the operation screen of the electric gripper.
To open the hand main screen shown below, press [F9 Hand]


State of the Electric Gripper



Number [ ]

Display the hand number (0 to 3) of the currently selected electric gripper.
To select the hand number, press [F1 Hand No].

Actuator type[ ]

Display the actuator type of the electric gripper.
For actuator type changing, refer to "Initial Setting Screen".


Display the E-STOP state of the electric gripper.
Light on: E-STOP released
Light off : E-STOP


Display the operation state
Light ON : Under operation
Light OFF : Command state


Display gripping state
Light ON: Gripping
Light OFF: Release


Display inpos state
Light ON: In range
Light OFF: Out of range


Zone state
Light ON : In range
Light OFF : Out of range

Point Teaching




Display the point number.
To change the point number, press [F3 Jump to].


Select move mode.
To display the mode selection screen, click the box.
The back color of the unnecessary data turns gray and become uneditable.


Range : Minus/Plus software limit range (mm).
To input the step, click the box to display the numerical keypad.


Set the velocity. The range of the velocity is different from move mode. To input the velocity, click the box to display the numerical keypad.
Constant Speed grip, ZON+Constan SpeedGrip ・・・20-50(%)
Others ・・・20-100(%)


Set the gripping force.
The range of the force is different from the move mode.
To input the gripping force, click the box to display the numerical keypad.
Range : 30 - 100 (%)


To set ZON range, input ZON 1 and ZON 2.
Range : Minus/Plus software limit range (mm).
To input the ZON 1 position, click the box to display the numerical keypad.


To set ZON range, input ZON 1 and ZON 2.
Range : Minus/Plus software limit range (mm).
To input the ZON 2 position, click the box to display the numerical keypad.

Point Operation Confirmation

Two point numbers are selectable in this option.




Set the point to operate.
To input the point number, click the box to display the numerical keypad.

Inching Operation Setting




Specify the gripping force when inching.
To input the gripping force, click the box to display the numerical keyboard.
Range : 30-100%


Specify the speed when inching.
To input the speed, click the box to display the numerical keyboard.
Range : 20-50%


Specify the moving distance when inching.
Range : Minus/Plus software limit range (mm).
To input the distance, click the box to select, then double-click to display the numerical keyboard. Three types of distance can be set.
Default : 0.05mm, 0.5mm and 1mm.


Display the current position (unit:mm)


Execute an opening movement


Execute a closing movement

Other Buttons




Execute motor turn On/Off
Light ON: Motor ON
Light OFF : Motor OFF

Return ORG

In the first execution, calculate an origin then return to origin. From the second time, return to origin.
Light ON: Origin read out calculation completed.
Light OFF: Origin readout calculation is not completed.

Error Clear

Clear errors.
Light ON (red) : Abnormal
Light OFF : Normal

Available Function Keys

Available function key
[F1 Hand No.]

Specify the hand number.
To input the hand number, click the key to display the numerical keypad. Then specify the hand number and press [OK] to change to the specified hand number.

[F3 Jump] To input the point number, click the key to display the numerical keypad. Then specify the point number and press [OK] to display the specified point number.
[F4 MoveTo]

Execute the point operation which is selected by the point number. To change the point number, press [F3 Jump to].

[F5 Edit]

Change the move mode, moving distance and other settings in each points. To edit the setting. select the item then click [Edit] to display the options list or numerical keypad. Select or input the desired item/number to change the setting.

[F12 Aux] Set the initial settings or parameter settings of the electric gripper.


ID : 1799

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