ID : 5112
Program Example
A program example is shown below.
Program Example Description
The collision detection function can set multiple tables.
In the following example, multiple configured tables are used to enable the collision detection function as a whole and use only particular parts with a detection sensitivity increased.
Use the SetCollisionDetection command to set tables for a whole operation and tables for a particular operation.
Before starting a whole operation, use the CollisionDetection command to enable tables for a whole operation.
Before a particular operation, enable tables for a particular operation.After finishing a particular operation, use the "CollisionDetection" command to disable tables for a particular operation.
Finally, use the GetCollisionStatus command to verify the collision detection status. If a collision exists, evacuate. - However, if the robot is actually used, use "GetCollisionStatus" with the supervisory task or another task to monitor the collision status and perform avoidance operations such as a saving operation or stopping the robot each time.
Sub Main 'Start the program.
'Collision detection for a whole operation (table 1, robot axis, no error output)
SetCollisionDetection 1, &h3f, J(100,100,100,100,100,100), 1
'Collision detection for a pick (table 2, robot axis, error output)
SetCollisionDetection 2, &h3f, J(100,50,50,100,50,100), 0
TakeArm 0
Extspeed 80
Speedmode 3
Motor ON
Move P,@0 P1
'Enable tables for a whole operation.
CollisionDetection True, 1
'Pick & place operation
'Target point up in the sky
Approach L, P2, 100
'Pick operation
'Enable tables for a particular operation and increase the detection sensitivity.
CollisionDetection True, 2
Move L,@0 P2, Speed = 10
Depart L, 100
'Finish the collision detection for a particular operation.
CollisionDetection False, 2
'Finish the collision detection for a whole operation.
CollisionDetection False, 1
'Verify the collision status.
I1 = GetCollisionStatus(1)
If Not I1 = 0 Then Goto ErrProc
Exit Sub
'Error handling
S0 = "Collision detected. Verify the work."
End Sub 'End of program.
ID : 5112