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ID : 5112

Program Example

A program example is shown below.

Program Example Description

  • The collision detection function can set multiple tables.

    In the following example, multiple configured tables are used to enable the collision detection function as a whole and use only particular parts with a detection sensitivity increased.

  • Use the SetCollisionDetection command to set tables for a whole operation and tables for a particular operation.
    Before starting a whole operation, use the CollisionDetection command to enable tables for a whole operation.
    Before a particular operation, enable tables for a particular operation.

    After finishing a particular operation, use the "CollisionDetection" command to disable tables for a particular operation.
    Finally, use the GetCollisionStatus command to verify the collision detection status. If a collision exists, evacuate.

  • However, if the robot is actually used, use "GetCollisionStatus" with the supervisory task or another task to monitor the collision status and perform avoidance operations such as a saving operation or stopping the robot each time.


Sub Main                                  'Start the program.
  'Collision detection for a whole operation (table 1, robot axis, no error output)
  SetCollisionDetection 1, &h3f, J(100,100,100,100,100,100), 1
  'Collision detection for a pick (table 2, robot axis, error output)
  SetCollisionDetection 2, &h3f, J(100,50,50,100,50,100), 0
  TakeArm 0
  Extspeed 80
  Speedmode 3
  Motor ON
  Move P,@0 P1
  'Enable tables for a whole operation.
  CollisionDetection True, 1
  'Pick & place operation
  'Target point up in the sky
  Approach L, P2, 100
  'Pick operation
  'Enable tables for a particular operation and increase the detection sensitivity.
  CollisionDetection True, 2
  Move L,@0 P2, Speed = 10
  Depart L, 100
  'Finish the collision detection for a particular operation.
  CollisionDetection False, 2
 'Finish the collision detection for a whole operation.
 CollisionDetection False, 1
  'Verify the collision status.
  I1 = GetCollisionStatus(1)
  If Not I1 = 0 Then Goto ErrProc
  Exit Sub

  'Error handling
  S0 = "Collision detected. Verify the work."

End Sub                                   'End of program.


ID : 5112

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