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ID : 2659

Example of Displaying Motor State (Using "Operation Preparation Completed")

If you want to display the motor state (on/off) on the indicator light, the system function signal "Operation Preparation Completed" can be used to display (For details about "Operation Preparation Completed", click "here").

However, "Operation Preparation Completed" is not linked to the motor state depending on the COBOTTA settings.

The following describes the above-mentioned information in three sections.

Function Description of "Operation Preparation Completed"

If all the following conditions are met, "Operation Preparation Completed" turns on.

  • The motor power is turned on.
  • Executable token setting is specified other than TP (when either I/O or Ethernet is selected) (For details about executable token, click "here").

Above condition means that if the executable token setting is specified TP, "Operation Preparation Completed" is not linked to the motor state. In that case, please check the motor state on the display window of TP App or Cobotta World. For information about how to check the motor state, refer to the following links.

Example of Circuit that Motor State Displays

The following drawings show examples of the circuit that motor state displays using "Operation Preparation Completed".

(However, for the circuit examples in the following drawings, if the executable token setting is specified TP, the indicator light does not reflect the change of the motor state.)

"Resistor R" in the drawings are to protect the circuit from rush current when the indicator light is lit (For details, click"here").

Installation Method of Indicator Light based on UL standard

If you install the indicator light based on UL standard, in addition above, be sure to observe the following items.

  • The color of the indicator light should be yellow.
  • Indicator light should be installed close to COBOTTA and it should be visible from anywhere.
  • If the indicator light is installed to a location subject to the effects of vibration that may adversely affect the life of the indicator light, the indicator light shall not be the following structure.

    Screw-in type (It may loosen as a result of the effects of vibration.)
    Filament-type (It may cause premature filament failure as a result of the effects of vibration.)

ID : 2659

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