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ID : 4152

Displaying Vision Menu

Operation path: Top window - [F8 Vision]

Display the vision menu.

Pressing [F8 Vision] will display the following [Vision] window.

Available function keys
[F1 Vision Calibration] Perform Vision calibration with numerical input. Refer to "Visual Calibration Procedure by Numerical Input" in the Function Guide for details.
[F2 Change IP address]

Used to view/edit the IP address of the AF camera (N10-W02) and the Subnet Mask.

Sets the IP address for the AF camera (N10-W02).
To separate the AF camera (N10-W02) and COBOTTA in different IP segments, specify an IP address for the camera first. If an IP address is specified for COBOTTA first, it cannot be connected to the camera.

When the user level is programmer, only viewing is possible. When the user level is maintainer, editing is also possible.

[F3 Administrator and Password]

Used to view/edit the administrator's name and the password of the AF camera (N10-W02).
Use Canon's setup tool to change the administrator's name and the password first and then enter the change using the TP App.

When the administrator's name and the password of Canon's setup tool and those of the TP App do not match, connection to the camera cannot be established.

Viewing/editing is possible only when the user level is maintainer.

[F7 Built-in Vision] The image of the built-in vision is displayed.

If the camera type of "VRC Setting" is set to other than [Canon], [F2 Change IP address] and [F3 Administrator and Password] in the Vision menu are not displayed.

To set [Canon] as a camera type, set the parameter number 56 (Camera Type) of "VRC Setting" to [1:Canon].

ID : 4152

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