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ID : 4157

Hand Main Window

Operation path: Basic window - [F9 Hand]

Display the electric gripper setting window.

Pressing [F9 Hand] will display the hand window as shown below.

The hand window consists of (1) hand status, (2) manual operation, and (3) point data.


Servo Hand


(1) Hand status
Displays the gripper's busy status, connection condition, and the software version.
(2) Manual operation

Press the Manual Operation buttons on the Remote TP or Virtual TP to move the gripper.

Inching movement can also be achieved.

(3) Point data
The point data used for "HandUnChuck" and "HandChuck hand" motion commands can be set and checked for their motion.


For details, refer to "Use of Hand Page" of Electric Gripper Guide.

ID : 4157

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