ID : 3682
To return the servo internal data of the all axis.
GetSrvData(data number)
Guaranteed Entry
- Data number
- Designate a data number to designate by integer type data.
Return Value
Return the designated data by joint type data.
The servo internal data of the all axis is returned.
Data number | Data type | Unit | Remark |
1 | Current motor speed value | rpm | |
2 | Motor angle deviation | mm or deg | |
4 | Absolute motor current value | Rated ratio % | |
5 | Motor torque command position (excluding dead weight compensation) | Rated ratio % | |
7 | Load factor | % | |
8 | Each axial position and angle command position | mm or deg | |
17 | Tool tip speed (work coordinates and position 3 component only) | mm/s | J(Vx, Vy, Vz, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) |
18 | Tool tip deviation (work coordinates and position 3 component only) | mm | J(Dx, Dy, Dz, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) |
19 | Tool tip speed (tool coordinates and position 3 component only) | mm/s | J(Vx, Vy, Vz, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) |
20 | Tool tip deviation (tool coordinates and position 3 component only) | mm | J(Dx, Dy, Dz, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) |
Related Terms
'!TITLE "Acquisition of Servo Internal Data of the Robot Axis"
' Acquire current tool tip speed and calculate tool tip composite speed
Sub Sample_GetSrvData
Dim aaa As Joint
Dim bbb As Single
Dim ccc As Single
Dim ddd As Single
Dim eee As Single
' Acquire tool tip speed and assign to aaa
aaa = GetSrvData( 17 )
' Extract work coordinate X component and assign to bbb
bbb = Joint( 1, aaa )
' Extract work coordinate Y component and assign to ccc
ccc = Joint( 2, aaa )
' Extract work coordinate Z component and assign to ddd
ddd = Joint( 3, aaa )
' Assign the result of tool tip composite sped calculation to eee
eee = Sqr( bbb*bbb+ccc*ccc+ddd*ddd )
' Display the tool tip speed on the message output window
PrintDbg aaa
' Display X, Y, Z components of work coordinate on the message output window
PrintDbg bbb, ccc, ddd
' Display calculation result on the message output window
PrintDbg eee
End Sub
ID : 3682