ID : 3673
To return the current angle of specified axis.
CurExJ(axis number)
Guaranteed Entry
- Axis number
- Designate an axis number by Integer Type data within the range of 1 to 8.
Return Value
Return the current angle of specified axis by single precision real number type data. Return 0 when designating unavailable axis number.
The angle detected by the encoder of specified extended-joint is returned by axis number. When the specified extended-joint has already been operating, return the value at executing this statement.
During Machine Lock, return not an angle value detected by encoder, but command position.
Related Terms
'!TITLE "Acquiring Current Designated Axis Angle"
' Acquire current angle of an axis and display it on message output window
Sub Sample_CurExJ
Dim aaa As Integer
' Assign the current angle of axis 1 to aaa
aaa = CurExJ( 1 )
' Display the current angle of axis 1 on the message output window
PrintDbg aaa
End Sub
ID : 3673