ID : 3676
To return the current position of the robot by position type data.
The current position of the robot is returned by Position Type data.
If the robot is in motion, calculation is performed by using an encoder value at the time of execution of this instruction.
Current work coordinates and tool coordinates are reflected in a value obtained thereby.
A command position is used for calculation in case of Machine Lock.
'!TITLE "Acquiring Current Position"
' Output the current position and position calculation result
Sub Sample_CurPos
Dim aaa As Position
Dim bbb As Position
' Assign a position based on the current tool coordinates to aaa
aaa = CurPos
' Assign results of 50 calculations of X, Y and Z in a position of the current tool coordinates to bbb
bbb = Dev( aaa, P( 50, 50, 50, 0, 0, 0, -1 ) )
' Display the current position and calculation result on the message output window
PrintDbg aaa, bbb
End Sub
ID : 3676