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ID : 3683



To return the servo internal data of the designated axis.


GetSrvJntData(data number, axis number)

Guaranteed Entry

Data number
Designate a data number corresponding to servo internal data by integer type data.
Axis number
Designate an axis number by integer type data.

Return Value

Return the servo internal data by single precision real number type data.


The servo internal data of an axis designated by data number and axis number are returned by single precision real number type.

The following data are returned by data number.

Data number Data type Unit
1 Current motor speed value rpm
2 Motor angle deviation mm or deg
4 Absolute motor current value Rated ratio %
5 Motor torque command position (excluding dead weight compensation) Rated ratio %
8 Each axial position and angle command position mm or deg

Related Terms





'!TITLE "Acquisition of Servo Internal Data of the Assigned Axis"
' Acquire each axis position and each angle command position of axis 1
Sub Sample_GetSrvJntData

  Dim aaa As Single

  ' Assign each axis position and each angle command position of axis 1 to aaa
  aaa = GetSrvJntData( 8, 1 )

  ' Display each axis position and each angle command position of axis 1 on the message output
window PrintDbg aaa End Sub

ID : 3683

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