ID : 7319
To reset the cumulative sum of acceleration (including over the predetermined threshold value only) that has been applied to COBOTTA (hereafter, acceleration over the threshold value) to zero.
This command is available in Ver.2.7.* or higher.
This command resets both the number of occurrences of acceleration over the threshold value and the maximum value of the acceleration over the threshold value to zero.
After the execution of ClearAccelometer, if GetAccelometer is executed without applying no acceleration to COBOTTA, both the number of occurrences of acceleration over threshold and the maximum value of the acceleration over the threshold value will be zero.
For about the number of occurrences of acceleration over threshold value and the maximum value of the acceleration over the threshold value, refer to GetAccelometer.
Related Terms
'!TITLE "When acceleration over threshold value occurs three times or more, set the maximum acceleration (G) to D0."
Sub Main
Do While 1
'Reset the cumulative information of acceleration to 0.
Dim sensorValue As Variant
Do While 1
'Obtain the cumulative information of acceleration.
sensorValue = GetAccelometer
'If the acceleration over the threshold value is applied two times or more.
If sensorValue( 0 ) > 2 Then
'The maximum acceleration value among the applied acceleration over threshold value.
D0 = sensorValue( 1 )
Exit Do
End If
Delay 1
End Sub
ID : 7319