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ID : 4134

Displaying Operation and Error Logs

Operation path : [F6 Setting] - [F4 Operation and Error Log]

Display operation and error logs.
Press [F4 Operation and Error Log] to display the following [Log] window.
The contents of display can be switched by selecting tabs, "Error Log", "Operation Log", and "Err + Operation" in [Log] window.

Available function keys
[F1 Prev] Display the previous page of the currently displayed log information.
[F2 Next] Display the next page of the currently displayed log information.
[F3 Jump To]

Displays numeric keypad.

Enter the list No. of logs with numeric keypad, and press [OK] to display the log of the target list No.

[F6 Setting]

Display [Record error level setting] window.

Select error level to record as a log. Once pressed [OK], error log will be recorded at this set error level.
Record logs for all error levels when [Error level 0] is selected.

[F7 ClearLog]

Delete the registered log information.

Select the log information to delete, and press [OK] to delete the log.


ID : 4134

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