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ID : 2286



Return the currently selected tracking buffer for sorting method of data with a variant type data array.

This command is available in Ver.1.12.* or higher.


TrackCurBufferSort (Conveyor number)

Guaranteed Entry

Conveyor number

Specify the conveyor number (1-16) to be used by integer type data.
(If your robot controller is Ver.1.11.* or lower, available conveyor number is 1 or 2.)

Return Value

Return the currently selected tracking buffer for sorting method of data with a variant type data array.
The first element stores the setting value of the second argument "SortType1" of the TrackBufferSort command. The second and subsequent elements store the setting values of the third argument "SortType2" of the TrackBufferSort command. The value set for "SortType2" determines the number of the second and subsequent elements.
When no value is set for "SortType2", the array length of the return value is 1.

Index Description
0 SortType1 (integer type data)
Index Description
Index Description
1 0 Sort target user data (integer type data)
1 Sort type setting value (integer type data)
・・・ 0 Sort target user data (integer type data)
1 Sort type setting value (integer type data)
N 0 Sort target user data (integer type data)
1 Sort type setting value (integer type data)


Return the currently selected tracking buffer for sorting method of data with a variant type data array.


This command is dedicated for conveyor and circular tracking.


Dim curSortType As Variant
curSortType = TrackCurBufferSort(1)

' Output the setting value of SortType1
PrintDbg "SortType1=" & curSortType(0)

Dim iSortTypeUb As Integer
iSortTypeUb = UBound(curSortType)

' Output the setting value of SortType2
If (iSortTypeUb <> 0) Then
  Dim iCnt As Integer
  Dim vntType2 As Variant
  For iCnt = 1 To iSortTypeUb
    vntType2 = curSortType(iCnt)
    PrintDbg "UserData=" & Str(vntType2(0))
    PrintDbg "SortType2=" & Str(vntType2(1))
End If

ID : 2286

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