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ID : 5794



Set a threshold value to prevent the registration of overlapped workpieces.

This option is available in Ver.1.8.* or higher.


TrackMinimumIntervalLength Conveyor number, Minimum Interval between workpieces

Guaranteed Entry

Conveyor number
Specifies the conveyor number (1-16) to be used by integer type data.
(If your robot controller is Ver.1.11.* or lower, available conveyor number is 1 or 2.)
Minimum Interval between workpieces
To prevent the registration of overlapped workpieces, specify the minimum interval between them.
Specifies integer type data. (0 or over) Uunit is mm (millimeter).


Set a threshold value to prevent the registration of overlapped workpieces. In the TrackSetVision and TrackSetSensor commands, the threshold value works to save the data of workpieces in the tracking buffer.
Suppose that the position of a new workpiece to be added is close to that of the previously registered workpiece within the buffer. When the distance between the two is shorter than a specified interval, the data of the new workpiece will be discarded to prevent the registration of overlapped workpieces.
This command is actually used to change the value of the conveyor or the circular tracking parameter "Minimum Interval between workpieces (Vision Sensor)" or "Minimum Interval between workpieces (sensor)".
When the conveyor or the turntable with a specified number is for vision tracking, the value of "Minimum Interval between workpieces (Vision Sensor)" is changed.
When it is for sensor tracking, the value of "Minimum Interval between workpieces (sensor)" is changed.
However, when the robot controller is powered OFF and ON, the setting changed with this command returns to a previous value.
The previous value represents a value specified on the Parameter Setting Screen (Sensor Tracking(Conveyor, Circular), Vision Tracking(Conveyor, Circular)).
Therefore, it is useful to configure typically used settings on the parameter setting screen and to configure partially used settings with this command.


  • This command is dedicated for conveyor and circular tracking.
  • When the power is turned off, for vision tracking, the setting value is initialized to the value specified in the conveyor tracking parameter "Minimum Interval between workpieces (Vision Sensor)".
  • When the power is turned off, for sensor tracking, the setting value is initialized to the value specified in the conveyor tracking parameter "Minimum Interval between workpieces (sensor)".


In this example, the minimum interval between workpieces is set to 10 mm.

TrackMinimumIntervalLength 1, 10

ID : 5794

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