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ID : 5489



In order to define the tracking start range, specify the offset value from the upstream limit of the tracking range.

This command is available in Ver.1.6.* or higher.


TrackOffsetMargin Conveyor number, Offset value

Guaranteed Entry

Conveyor number

Specifies the conveyor number (1-16) to be used by integer type data.
(If your robot controller is Ver.1.11.* or lower, available conveyor number is 1 or 2.)

Offset value

Specify an offset value from the upstream limit of the tracking range that is used to define the tracking start range. The value is specified with negative value of double-precision real type data.
If positive value is specified, the offset is set to the downstream side.
The unit is [mm] for conveyor tracking and [deg] for circular tracking (Ver.2.3.* or higher).


In order to define the tracking start range, specify the offset value from the upstream limit of the tracking range.


  • This command is dedicated for conveyor and circular tracking.
  • Avoid overlapping the shooting area and the tracking start range.
    Registration overlapping prevention function, which prevents multiple registration of an identical workpiece, is set by the parameter setting of "Minimum Interval between workpieces (sensor)". This function is effective only when the target workpiece has already existed within the tracking buffer area.
    If the tracking start range is overlapped with the shooting area, a workpiece data which has been registered in the tracking buffer may be immediately taken out as a tracking-target workpiece data.
    In this case, the workpiece that has been taken out from the tracking buffer may be counted in the buffer area again because the sensor cannot distinguish the taken-out workpiece and the newly counted one as different workpiece. As a result, the registration overlapping prevention function cannot work properly, leading to the unintentional re-registration of workpieces.


TrackStratArea 1, 500, 800
TrackOffsetMargin 1, -100

In this example, the tracking start range is 100 mm upstream of the upstream limit of the tracking range.

ID : 5489

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