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ID : 5354



Initializes the tracking buffer, then starts trigger detection.
Executing this command to a slave robot connects it to the master robot when you use the conveyor tracking system with coordinated multiple robots.

This command is available in Ver.1.6.* or higher.


TrackInitialize Conveyor number,Initializing mode

Guaranteed Entry

Conveyor number

Specifies the conveyor number (1-16) to be used by integer type data.
(If your robot controller is Ver.1.11.* or lower, available conveyor number is 1 or 2.)

Initializing mode

Specifies initializing mode by integer type data.

Controller Setting value Description
Master 0 Initializes the tracking buffer of the designated conveyor, then starts trigger detection.
1 Starts the trigger detection of designated conveyor.
(This option is available in Ver.1.12.1 or higher.)
-1 Stops the trigger detection of designated conveyor.
Slave 0 Disconnect the communication with the master controller, and then establish the connection again.
-1 This is not supported. An error will occur if it is executed.


  • Tracking with a single robot

    The function initializes the tracking buffer and starts trigger detection.

  • Tracking with multiple robots

    The function operates differently in the master robot and a slave robot when the command is executed to them.

    • For the master robot, it initializes the tracking buffer and operates to start trigger detection.

    • For a slave robot, it connects the slave robot to the master controller.

Execute the command to all the robots intended to perform the tracking motion before starting the motion.


  • This command is dedicated for conveyor and circular tracking.
  • The command is not executable while the robot is running.
  • If the command is not executed, the following problems occur.
    • The master robot will experience the error [0x81201213: I/O state is not changed] when the TrackSetVision command or the TrackSetSensor command is executed.
    • A slave robot may experience delays in processing tracking commands, which affects the cycle time.


  • Tracking with a single robot or the master controller
  • '!TITLE "Preparation for conveyor tracking"
      Sub Main 
        ' It initializes the buffer of the conveyor 1 and starts trigger detection of signals from the sensor.
        TrackInitialize 1, 0
      End Sub
  • Tracking with two robots, using the dual arm control function
  • '!TITLE "Preparation for conveyor tracking"
      Sub Main 
        ' It initializes the buffer of the conveyor 1, and Robot 0 starts trigger detection of signals from the sensor.
        Robot0.TrackInitialize 1, 0
        ' The slave robot (Robot 1) connects to the master robot (Robot 0).
        Robot1.TrackInitialize 1, 0
      End Sub

ID : 5354

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