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ID : 5347



Return the number of data within the tracking buffer.

This command is available in Ver.1.6.* or higher.


TrackCount (Conveyor number [, userdata[, Count object]])

Guaranteed Entry

Conveyor number

Specify the conveyor number (1 to 16) to be used by integer type data.
(If your robot controller is Ver.1.11.* or lower, available conveyor number is 1 or 2.)


Specify userdata by integer type. User data is not judged when you enter a negative value.
This is an optional value. This should be "-1" if it is omitted.

Count object

Specify the count object by integer type. (See the table below.)
This is an optional value. This should be "-1" if it is omitted.
This entry is available in Ver.1.10.* or higher.

Setting value Data count condition
1 All data
2 Data whose workpiece's current position is upper than the upstream limit of the tracking range.
3 Data whose workpiece's current position is lower than the upstream limit of the tracking range.
4 Data whose workpiece's current position is upper than the downstream limit of the tracking range.
5 Data whose workpiece's current position is lower than the downstream limit of the tracking range.
-1 Data whose workpiece's current position is within the tracking range.

Return Value

The number of workpiece data that meets the specified conditions is returned by integer type data.


This command returns the number of workpiece data within the tracking buffer. The counting condition is determined by the user data and the count object.
If the number of data in the tracking buffer is zero, "0" is returned.
If the number of data in the tracking buffer is one or more, return values will be as follows.

User data Count object Reurn value
Pos. None / -1 Return the number of data in the tracking buffer that belongs to the specified user data.
Pos. Pos. Return the number of count object specified that belongs to the specified user data.
Neg. / No None / -1 Return the number of data within the tracking buffer.
Neg. / No Pos. Return the number of the specified count object regardless of the user data.

Pos. : Positive value entry
Neg. / No : Negative value entry or no entry.
None / -1 : No value entry or "-1" is entered.




ID : 5347

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