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ID : 5491



Take out index numbers of data stored in the tracking buffer, and then return them as an array.

This command is available in Ver.1.6.* or higher.


TrackBufferIndexes (Conveyor number [, Count object [, userdata ]])

Guaranteed Entry

Conveyor number

Specifies the conveyor number (1-16) to be used by integer type data.
(If your robot controller is Ver.1.11.* or lower, available conveyor number is 1 or 2.)

Count object

Specify data that you intend to obtain by integer type. This is omittable. This will be "-1" if it is omitted.

Setting value Description
-1 All data
1 Read the data specified as a tracking-target work in TrackTargetPos command.
To perform this operation, Tracking Buffer Data of the fourth argument of "TrackTargetPos" must be enabled and the tracking-target work data must remain in the tracking buffer.
2 All data except for the data specified by the above "setting value 1".
This entry is available for Ver.2.0.* or higher.
3 Data whose workpiece's current position is upper than the upstream limit of the tracking range.
This entry is available for Ver.2.0.* or higher.
4 Data whose workpiece's current position is lower than the upstream limit of the tracking range.
This entry is available for Ver.2.0.* or higher.
5 Data whose workpiece's current position is upper than the downstream limit of the tracking range.
This entry is available for Ver.2.0.* or higher.
6 Data whose workpiece's current position is lower than the downstream limit of the tracking range.
This entry is available for Ver.2.0.* or higher.
7 Data whose workpiece's current position is within the tracking range.
This entry is available for Ver.2.0.* or higher.
Specify userdata by integer type. User data is not judged when you enter a negative value.
This is omittable. This will be "-1" if it is omitted. This entry is available for Ver.2.0.* or higher.

Return Value

Return the index numbers of the specified target data or user data as one dimensional array of variant type data.
If the tracking buffer is empty, variant type data whose internal processing format is "VT_EMPTY(0)" will be returned.

Count object User data Return value
Pos. Neg. / No Return the index number of the specified count object regardless of the user data.
Pos. Pos. Return the index number of count object specified that belongs to the specified user data.
None / -1 Neg. / No Return the index number of data within the tracking buffer.
None / -1 Pos. Return the index number of data in the tracking buffer that belongs to the specified user data.

Pos. : Positive value entry
None / -1 : No value entry or "-1" is entered.
Neg. / No : Negative value entry or no entry.


From the data stored in the tracking buffer, extract the index numbers that correspond to the specified target data or user data, and then return them as an array. To refer the data with TrackBufferRead command, use the number obtained and specify the tracking buffer data.

Related Terms

TrackBufferDelete, TrackBufferRead, TrackTargetPos, TrackTargetRelease, Commands for Conveyor Tracking, Commands for Circular Tracking


This command is dedicated for conveyor and circular tracking.


Sub Main 

  ' Take out index numbers of all data
  Dim vIndex as Variant    
  vIndex = TrackBufferIndexes(1, -1)
  Dim idx as long   
  For idx = LBound(vIndex) To UBound(vIndex)

    'Obtain data specified by tracking buffer by means of the index number    
    Dim vVal as Variant
    vVal = TrackBufferRead(1, vIndex(idx), -1)
    ' Data output  
    PrintDbg "enc=" & vVal(0), _
             "x=" & vVal(1), _
             "y=" & vVal(2), _
             "z=" & vVal(3), _
             "rx=" & vVal(4), _
             "ry=" & vVal(5), _
             "rz=" & vVal(6)
End sub


The example below shows the case that the process differs depending on whether the element is empty or not.

#include "variant.h"

Sub Main

  ' Take out index numbers of all data
 Dim vIndex as Variant
 vIndex = TrackBufferIndexes(1, -1)

  If VarType(vIndex) = VT_EMPTY then
    ' The process where the element is empty
  ElseIf VarType(vIndex) And VT_ARRAY then
    ' Process in case the elements are not empty (elements constitutes an array).
    If ( UBound( vIndex ) <> -1 ) then
      ' Check that the number of element is not 0, and then read out the data.
      ' Obtain data specified by tracking buffer by means of the index number
      Dim vVal as Variant
      vVal = TrackBufferRead(1, UBound( vIndex ), -1)
    End If
  End If

End Sub

ID : 5491

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