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ID : 3653

Displaying and Setting the Collision/Interference Functions

Operation path : [F2 Arm] - [F6 Aux] - [F2 Collision/Interference]

Display the menu to set "Collision Detecition" and "Virtual Fence".

Press [F2 Collision/Interference] to display the following [Collision/Interference] window.

Available function keys
[F1 Collision Detection]
(Ver.2.7.*or higher)

Display [Collision detection setting] window.

Set Collision Detection Function.

[F2 Virtual Fence]
(Ver.2.5.*or higher)

Display [Virtual Fence] window.

Specify the virtual fence change the Start Monitoring/Stop Monitoring switch and setting.

This menu will be displayed when the license of Virtual Fence function is registered.

ID : 3653

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