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ID : 4086

How to Display and Set Areas

Operation path : [F2 Arm] - [F6 Aux] - [F5 Area]

Define area.
The maximum of 32 area can be registered.
They are used to set the area for interference check between robot and other equipments.
Press [F5 Area] to display the following [Define Area] window.

In Define Area window, you can set the following items. Select a cell that you intend to set, and then press [F5 Edit]. (Except for [Active])



Active Switch the area function status to Active or Inactive.
The indicator color shows the status of the area function; Gray : Inactivated Green: Activated
When any cell is pressed, a dialog box to change the status is displayed. Pressing [OK] button on the dialog box switches the status. To keep current condition, press [Cancel] button.
X, Y, Z, Rx, Ry, Rz Designate the position and rotation (inclination) of the center point of area.
This corresponds to the center of the Area command.
DX, Dy, Dz Designate the size of area. Enter an each element of vector from the center of the area to the maximum point.
This corresponds to the size of the Area command.
IO Designate an I/O port number to output signal at the time of detection. Designate "-1" when no I/O output is performed. You cannot designate any non-existing port number or I/O port number that cannot output signals.
This corresponds to the I/O number of the Area command.
Pos Designate an index number of Position Type global variable to store the detection position. Designate "-1" when no detection position is stored.
This corresponds to the storage variable number of the Area command.
Err Designate a detection method and error output.
Pressing [F5 Edit] displays a dialog box. Select a value and then press [OK] to confirm. For details about selection, see "Interpreting a Detected Area Interference as an Error".
This corresponds to the error detection setting of the Area command.
Keys other than function keys

Display [Area Detail setting] window.
Perform the settings associated with detection of area.

Available function keys
[F1 Prev] Move to the previous page of the currently displayed area.
[F2 Next] Move to the next page of the currently displayed area.
[F3 Jump To]

Display numeric keypad.

Enter the area number to select with numeric keypad, and press [OK] to select the area of the specified number.

[F4 Easy Edit] Set area by specifying the position coordinates (P type variable) that are registered through teaching with one work coordinate and two robot locations.
[F5 Edit]

Select the area number and coordinate element to change, and press [Edit] to display numeric keypad.
Enter the value to set with numeric keypad, and press [OK] on the numeric keypad to change it.
Press [OK] in [Define Area] window to confirm the changed value.

[F7 Detail]

Display [Area Detail setting] window.

Perform the settings associated with detection of area.


ID : 4086

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